I come from a past full of brokenness and countless regrets--but because of God's mercy, I have a present full of healing and a future full of hope.
I call myself an artist, and when I say that, what I mean really is that I love to create. I am not an expert at anything but I find joy in dabbling with things such as photography, painting, collage, and crochet. In all of these, it is color that calls to me most, and art is the way I play with it, shape it, use it to tell a story.
Sometimes, though, it is words that tell the story best.
I was born a poet, but the poems themselves didn't come to life until the year I turned 10, the year secrets fell into the open and innocence escaped us all, the year death showed up and changed the way I lived. My poems have been growing up ever since, changing their shape and form, somehow changing me, too, and growing this girl into a woman.
I was also born a writer, but it took far longer for me to know it. In fact, I didn't come into my own until I started writing here, in this small corner of the world I named "Growing Is Beautiful." And though I believed it from the beginning, that beauty is always found in the growing, I didn't expect this place to be such a source of my growth. Word by word I am finding my voice, learning to speak Truth, and letting the life I live be the life you see here. Now the poetry and the prose mingle together, each informing the other, both of them pieces of who I am becoming.
I am a survivor of chronic illness.
I am a former prisoner of Shame who has been set free by the miracle of Grace.
I am a passionate pursuer of God, growth, and relationships.
I am a giver of gifts.
I am a celebrator of the seasons--both in the garden and in our lives.
I am a lover of tea, of cats, of sunshine, of all blooming things.
I am not yet a wife or a mama, but my God whispers, "Someday you will be," and my heart holds to His promise with great hope and sweet joy.
Really, it all comes down to this: I'm just a girl full of faults who is striving to be full of Him. Just a girl on a mission to be a woman of God.
And now here's a little video I recorded just to say hi....
The Courtney Chronicles: Meet Courtney from Growing Is Beautiful on Vimeo.