Big news today
Something I didn't see coming
Something about which
I don't know how to feel
Beneath the shock
There is anger
But also hurt
And definitely fear
The future seems more uncertain
Today than it did yesterday
But that isn't really true
Is it?
Tomorrow has always been
Uncertain for me
And known to You—
That hasn't changed
The only thing I've lost
Is the illusion of control
The notion that I know where I'm going
And how to get there
In truth
All I know is this:
You haven't left your throne
And Your purposes still stand
Now the choice is mine
Doubt or believe, fear or hope
I choose to believe
I choose to hope
Why are you downcast, O my soul?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
For I will yet praise Him
My Savior and my God
(For those who are wondering, big news equals old news from last week—I'm just now getting around to posting)
God is good his love will endure forever.